Ukrainian Healthcare Centers Captured by Russian Troops Are Running Low on Medicines: Invaders Block Any Supplies from Ukraine 

Ukrainian Healthcare Centers Captured by Russian Troops Are Running Low on Medicines: Invaders Block Any Supplies from Ukraine 


Russian troops block deliveries of humanitarian goods to the temporarily occupied towns and cities.

Ukrainian healthcare centers in the Russia-controlled districts are facing serious issues with supplies of the essential medicines and medical devices. Nevertheless, the aggressor country’s troops block deliveries of humanitarian goods to the temporarily occupied towns and cities, as the Ministry of Healthcare reports.

The Ministry officials emphasize that the invaders attempt to use this situation as a lever of influence in order to coerce the local into cooperation. “This is one of numerous war crimes committed by the Russian terrorist units in Ukraine. The invaders ruthlessly violate the provisions of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War”, the official message reads.

Based on available data, at least 234 healthcare centers and 20 ambulance crews are currently trapped in the Russia-controlled districts.
Most hospital employees continue to receive the salary payments, however the information regarding remuneration payable in April is currently unavailable for at least 18 healthcare institutions, since the Ministry of Healthcare cannot content the managers. In order to solve these issue, the Ministry officials actively cooperate with the military administrations.
